The work of the church and ministry team is supported by offertory and donations.
You can place cash or cheque in an envelope in Sunday’s collection.
OR: You can make a payment to the following accounts for Anglican Parish of Blackheath.
St George—BSB—112879 Account—0487995715
Direct Deposits can be made to the following Bank Accounts rather than using the weekly envelopes or weekly cash.
St Aidan’s – Commonwealth Bank Blackheath.
BSB – 062507
Account Number: 00800188.
St Peter’s – Westpac Lithgow.
BSB – 032829.
Account Number: 121177
St John’s – St George Lithgow
BSB – 112879
Account Number: 486927665
St George’s – St George Lithgow
BSB – 112879
Account Number: 046518471
DIRECT DEBITS: You can set up direct payments through your bank.
All donations for the work of Michelle Seers should be sent to:
St Aidan’s – Commonwealth Bank Blackheath.
BSB – 062507
Account Number: 00800188.
Reference “Michelle” or in an envelope marked the same in Sunday’s collection.
BEQUESTS in your Will:
Leaving a bequest to the “Anglican Parish of Blackheath” or to any of the specific four churches is one of the greatest ways you can impact the spread of the gospel.



Hire of our church halls at Blackheath and Mt Victoria for KCC accommodation
If you would like to enquire about any of the above, or other uses of our facilities: